
2nd baby,  labour ward (induction of labour/physiological birth) Francesca’s perspective Having struggled through a long and very painful labour first time round, I was keen to find ways to cope better both during the pregnancy and when the time came to meet our new baby. As a GP, through my previous experiences, I had a […]

Sarah Leask

(2nd baby, induction/physiological birth) My partner and I arranged to attend Gemma’s workshop a couple of months before our second child was due. I had found my first birth traumatic and was scared that history would repeat itself. We decided we wanted to have more control and understanding this time round. I / we can […]

Christy McGarry

2nd baby, labour ward (physiological birth) “I didn’t panic like last time which was my big fear and not being able to believe in my body. It was all amazing.” Hi Gemma, I wanted to say thank you so so so much for all of your help and wisdom and for being so amazing. Your […]

Nicola White

2nd baby (elective Caesarian birth) Anna Lily arrived by planned Caesarian  Section last Tuesday and we really couldn’t have asked for a more positive experience. We were looked after extremely well by the staff at St John’s and were listened to throughout.  I used hypnobirthing in the weeks up to my due date and also […]


2nd baby, elective Caesarian birth I remember that after our first session you said that it would be possible for me to have a really positive birth experience.  I doubted you, but was determined to do my best to follow your advice, work hard on positive thinking and practice hypnobirthing techniques. The theatre team was […]


2nd baby, labour ward (water birth) It was Monday evening, and after eating the hottest curry Ive ever managed in my life I was laid on the couch with husband and my daughter. At half 8 I felt a bizarre pop sensation in my abdomen but seriously had no clue that it was the waters. […]

Sophie Wright

2nd baby, (home birth/physiological birth) “I went into labour with no fear, we walked the streets together” “It was beautiful, painless and my greatest achievement…it would never have been the best experience of my life without Gemma’s workshop.” I just wanted to share my experience, as birthing my second baby was the greatest achievement of […]

Karen Whyte

2nd baby,  labour ward (induction of labour/physiological birth) I can’t thank Gem enough and will be forever grateful that I came across her workshop, which allowed us to have the most wonderful birthing experience second time around, something I didn’t think could ever happen. With our first baby, we had a very traumatic and long […]

Katy & Colin Douglas

2nd baby, home birth (water birth) I would genuinely do it all again this second it was that amazing!!! Max is our second baby, my first pregnancy and labour was great, it was by no means terrible and it didn’t leave me scared but I knew I wanted a calmer more relaxed experience this time […]

Bekki Robinson

2nd baby, home water birth (Click here to watch Bekki’s inspiring labour & birth video.) We are completely overwhelmed with the arrival of our beautiful little girl. With the help and support of Gemma we managed to achieve our home pool birth with no pain relief or gas air just pure Hypnobirthing, she was breathed […]

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