Do you want to increase your chance of a natural birth?
Are you anxious about the ‘unexpected’?
Have you experienced a previous, traumatic birth?
Imagine if you had unlimited access to a ‘midwife in your pocket’ who could support and guide you through every step of your pregnancy…
Do you value the safe and peaceful birth of your new baby?
This exclusive package will provide you with personalised support that will meet your individual needs and prepare you and your birth partner for a calm and positive journey into childbirth. Unique, science and research-based methods will provide you with all you need to know to overcome any fears or previous trauma and help you understand what actions and mindset are needed to reduce your chance of complications.
I am a passionate advocate for the right of every woman and her birth partner to experience a positive birth. As an experienced midwife, birth trauma specialist and birth-coach, I’ve helped hundreds of women and their birth partners, from all different backgrounds, cultures and circumstances, experience a positive birth.
Maternity practitioners and health professionals favour my approach to birth preparation – because my methods are trusted and supported by research.
You and your birth partner will feel fully prepared and ready to navigate the unexpected, regardless of how or where your baby is born.
Do you value the safe and peaceful birth of your new baby? I’d love to work with you.
Midwife In My Pocket is suitable for everyone, whatever your circumstances. It is a complete, bespoke package that is unique to you.
You may already believe in your body and want to do everything you can to achieve a natural drug-free birth, without intervention. You may have experienced a previous traumatic birth or know that you will experience a medicalised birth. Whether you plan to give birth at home or in hospital, via induction, caesarean or waterbirth, you can enjoy a beautiful, peaceful birth.
I have extensive experience of helping people affected by traumatic perinatal trauma and postnatal PTSD, including those affected by miscarriage or fertility treatment or who suffer from tokophobia or vaginismus. I also have experience of working with people who have been affected by abuse and sexual abuse. Whatever your circumstances, I would love to work with you.
You can access this package with me in person, face-to-face or from the safety of your own home, from wherever you are in the world!
Whether your birth partner will be your husband, partner, friend or relative, they provide vital emotional and physical support. Feelings of trust and connection with your birth partner play an important role in building confidence and calm. This package will enable you and your birth partner to understand the birth process, how you can advocate for yourself in pregnancy and birth and how your birth partner can support and communicate your needs.
Positive Birth Scotland is fully inclusive and provides a safe space where everyone is welcome, regardless of race or gender. So, if you are a single mum or LGBTQ or surrogate family, whatever your situation, this package will provide you with the support you require.
12 weeks of premium support: Daily access via WhatsApp to me – midwife Gemma Nealon, providing you with support and answering all your questions for pregnancy, birth and beyond, no matter what happens.
1:1 birth/parenting coaching or trauma therapy: five hours of personalised birth coaching or trauma therapy that will meet your individual needs and prepare you and your birth partner for a calm and positive birth and parenting.
One-day Hypnobirthing and birth preparation workshop (09.15-17.30) refreshments and lunch are provided. This workshop is a group workshop for women and their birth partners. It will provide you with the right knowledge, practical tools and techniques to transform your birth experience. As part of this package, if my workshops are not full you can repeat the workshop again as often as you like, whether it is for the whole day or just part.
In this comprehensive workshop you will learn:.
It is recommended that you attend this workshop with your birth partner, if you have one. If you are a single or solo mum, LGBTQ or surrogate family, whatever your situation – this workshop will be appropriate for your needs.
UNLIMITED FREE ‘Birth Calm’ classes. Pregnancy mind-set, support and guided hypnosis session – a safe space to connect with other pregnant women and access researched based, safe guidance from a midwife. You can attend these monthly classes during pregnancy as well as postnatally, with baby in arms. (Available for the whole of your pregnancy, not just the 12 weeks of premium support.) Find out more about ‘Birth Calm’ classes here.
UNLIMITED FREE ‘Breastfeeding Calm’ workshops. Learn about the benefits of Colostrum Harvesting (antenatal hand expressing) and access support, guidance and practical advice from an experienced midwife who has helped hundreds of women to successfully breastfeed. You can attend these workshops during pregnancy as well as postnatally, with baby in arms. (Available for the whole of your pregnancy and beyond, not just the 12 weeks of premium support.) Find out more about ‘Breastfeeding Calm’ workshops here.
The Positive Birth Scotland Hypnobirthing and Birth Preparation Book, by Gemma Nealon. This exclusive ‘must have’ resource contains all you need to know to have positive birth and answers common questions such as when to go to hospital and how to plan for the postnatal period. It explains topics in easy-to-understand language, including different modes of delivery, perineal tearing and all pharmaceutical and non-pharma methods of pain management.
Personalised Hypnosis Tracks – bespoke, hypnosis tracks designed, recorded and edited for you, by me. Designed to guide you into a state of peaceful calm – perfect for attaining deep relaxation before sleep and to use during your birth.
*Please note that whilst I am a qualified midwife, I cannot give you clinical advice. I will encourage you to refer to your health care provider when appropriate. *