Mags, Roman & April

1st baby – homebirth

Roman’s perspective-

Just wanted to add a few thoughts from my side.

Your workshop was a total game changer for me as a partner. Before taking your workshop I thought that all I had to do was be on top of the Lothian birth stats. I thought we would navigate the NHS services and our own approach this way. Immediately after taking your workshop I began to realise that this was the least useful thing for me to do to support Mags. I also began to see and feel how much of my own fear and anxiety I was bringing into the picture.

Once I felt this, I knew very clearly what I had to do. I dived into that track with both feet, at least 5 times a week, sometimes more. I felt myself getting so confident. When the time came, Mags and I were able to work so well as a team, and although I maybe wasn’t as strong a leader as I would like, I could certainly dispense with my own fear and simply be there for Mags, keeping with my breath and tending to her needs.

There are no words to convey how incredible an experience this was. And likewise I would struggle to quantify my gratitude towards you and towards those moments during birth and the many that have followed since. We are off to such a great start. Thank you!

Keep doing what you do! 


Mag’s perspective-

Slightly belated news to share the birth of our daughter April who was born at home, as planned, on Sunday 19 June. My waters broke just after the birth calm class you ran on the Thursday evening last month, so I’m glad I joined it!

Your workshop and the hypnobirthing tracks were invaluable to both of us, not least it giving us the confidence to choose a home birth – which was amazing! (We ended up transferring to hospital post birth, but overall that was very manageable).

I honestly don’t think we’d have as positive a birth experience without your input. Not just on hypnobirthing, but also the importance of supporting each other, and your knowledge about navigating the system of maternity services – the ‘cascade of interventions’ and so on – and how to do that calmly.

April is doing very well and an absolute delight.

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