1st baby, (hospital/ physiological birth)
‘This euphoria after giving birth stayed with us for days.’
“My partner and I are first-time parents. In April 2020 we welcomed to the world our baby girl Zosia. Even though the pandemic changed my birth plan, I still had the most easy-going and relaxed birth experience. I was in labour for about 30 hours at home before going to the hospital. During my time at home, I used every single technique from Positive Birth Scotland. We didn’t have curtains in the house because we have just moved in, so we put black blankets up in the living room and on the bedroom window. I felt comforted by the darkness in my house. We were watching movies, laughing and boosting energy with pizza. When my contractions got a little bit stronger I found walking around the house with the Tens machine on my back soothing. I stretched my lower back against every single wall in the house. When contractions picked up again I just wanted to be alone. I sent my partner to the guest bedroom, so I could have my own, dark, warm space to focus on my breathing and meditation. I felt totally in control and even though I am a first-time mum.

‘and then I remembered Gemma’s words “Relax, breath and nothing else”
I knew exactly what to do and when to call the hospital. Just like Gemma said, “birth like a mammal” and “breath” that’s all you need to do. We arrived at the hospital at 6 am and my baby girl was born at 1 pm. Our midwife was amazing – we clicked instantly. The whole time my only pain relief was Tens machine and gas & air – which put me in a really good mood. I will never forget listening to my favourite Peter Gabriel songs, joking around and eating biscuits. When the time finally came I found my primal scream 🤪 oh wow, the squeal was something else. I surprised everyone, including myself. I have never felt pressure like it. At some point toward the end, my midwife said “don’t push now, just breath out your baby” and then I remembered Gemma’s words “Relax, breath and nothing else”. And there she was – my beautiful Baby Girl dropped out of me. We felt blessed with joy. This euphoria after giving birth stayed with us for days.