Sarah & James Dunn

1st baby, labour ward water birth Sarah’s story –Kai’s birth story actually started three weeks before he was born. My husband, James and I had been planning a homebirth and our midwifery team had been completely supportive of our decision. Our midwife came to the house the day before I turned 38 weeks to drop […]
Alexa Mathews

1st baby, birth centre (water birth) “The workshop gave us much more information, the opportunity to chat about our fears, understand where they come from and practice different coping mechanisms as well as hypnosis sessions.” After being filled with the fear of god by TV, media, and every Tom, Dick and Harry’s tales of horror […]
Erica Edwards
1st baby, birth centre, (water birth) The knowledge and understanding provided to me by Gemma before I gave birth to my first son, in 2008, was utterly key to my wonderful and enjoyable water birth. While pregnant, Gemma gave me one-to-one coaching and also gave me a reading list of books to get me into […]
2nd baby, labour ward (water birth) It was Monday evening, and after eating the hottest curry Ive ever managed in my life I was laid on the couch with husband and my daughter. At half 8 I felt a bizarre pop sensation in my abdomen but seriously had no clue that it was the waters. […]
Rebecca & Winston Roberts

1st baby, birth centre (water birth) Started contractions just after midnight Saturday / Sunday morning. Had been listening to the birth rehearsal tracks regularly in the lead up, so I was able to relax, jump into a warm bath and focus on my breathing. Went into triage at 5 am on Sunday and had a […]
Katy & Colin Douglas

2nd baby, home birth (water birth) I would genuinely do it all again this second it was that amazing!!! Max is our second baby, my first pregnancy and labour was great, it was by no means terrible and it didn’t leave me scared but I knew I wanted a calmer more relaxed experience this time […]
Bekki Robinson

2nd baby, home water birth (Click here to watch Bekki’s inspiring labour & birth video.) We are completely overwhelmed with the arrival of our beautiful little girl. With the help and support of Gemma we managed to achieve our home pool birth with no pain relief or gas air just pure Hypnobirthing, she was breathed […]
Positive Induction Birth Stories

I wanted to share a secret with you! That induced birth don’t have to be traumatic and scary, in fact it can be positive and calm. Birth can take an unexpected turn at any point and therefore it is so important that in pregnancy you gather skills to help you to relax quickly in all circumstances, so […]
But that wasn’t in my birth plan!?

All of Sarah & James’ plan to birth at home was shattered at 38 week but that did not stop the arrival of their baby being ‘about as peaceful as we could have hoped for’. I had the absolute pleasure of meeting Sarah and James when they attended my Hypnobirthing workshop. Their story is so […]
Do you need a birth pool & fairy lights to have an positive birth? Inspiring preterm birth story using Hypnobirthing

I am not saying that these things are not wonderful and I more than many passionately believe in the positive power of the birth environment. I also think most people want a intervention free, natural and drug free water birth around our ‘due date’. Whilst there are a number of things we can do antenatally […]