Positive Induction Birth Stories

I wanted to share a secret with you! That induced birth don’t have to be traumatic and scary, in fact it can be positive and calm. Birth can take an unexpected turn at any point and therefore it is so important that in pregnancy you gather skills to help you to relax quickly in all circumstances, so […]
But that wasn’t in my birth plan!?

All of Sarah & James’ plan to birth at home was shattered at 38 week but that did not stop the arrival of their baby being ‘about as peaceful as we could have hoped for’. I had the absolute pleasure of meeting Sarah and James when they attended my Hypnobirthing workshop. Their story is so […]
Do you need a birth pool & fairy lights to have an positive birth? Inspiring preterm birth story using Hypnobirthing

I am not saying that these things are not wonderful and I more than many passionately believe in the positive power of the birth environment. I also think most people want a intervention free, natural and drug free water birth around our ‘due date’. Whilst there are a number of things we can do antenatally […]
Hypnobirthing is scientifically proven to keep you relaxed during labour and birth.
Maggie Howell, created of Natal Hypnotherapy and mother to 5 beautiful boys, explains the why and how of the physiological effect of Natal Hypnotherapy on labour and birth. She shares the reasons why, quite simply, it works. http://maggiehowell.blogspot.co.uk
Group B strep in pregnancy

The treatment of Group B Strep in pregnancy continues to be a hot topic, and one that can understandably be very emotive. It is often hard to find both sides of the argument in one place, so here is a brief overview for those of you who have trolled the internet for information about this topic […]
The Elephant Midwives
Remember the Elephant Midwives By Gemma Nealon; Midwife and Natal Hypnotherapist Elephants have midwives too. In the wild they have midwives who surround them in a circle during their labour & birth, protecting the pregnant mother, whilst swaying along with the labouring elephant. The elephant midwives may care for the pregnant elephants throughout their long […]
The Hormones of Labour and Birth: Friend or Foe?
The Hormones of Labour & Birth: Friend or Foe? By Gemma Nealon Mother nature is kind. She has gifted the birthing woman with everything her body needs to give birth; a cocktail of hormones ready to serve and guide the labouring Mother’s body every step of the way. Although during labour and birth many hormones […]